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​Child Care and Development Education at Home

Project Start Date: 02.03.2021

Project Completion Date: 28.06.2021

The course titled "Child Care and Development at Home" was opened by Dokuz Eylül Rotary Club in our community union school Mehmet Lütfiye Dönmez Kocatepe Primary School under the management of Public Education Center gives its graduates in June. In this project that was carried out as a social development project, participants will be given Ministry of Education approved certificates at the end of the course. Since the project was supported by the European Union, the certificate will be valid in all European Union countries. Our club organized a ceremony with the participation of the term chairperson, members of the board of directors, past term chairpersons, Rotarian spouses chairperson, and the Dokuz Eylül Rotaract team. The course participants were given the graduation gifts provided by our club. The school management presented plaques of appreciation that were prepared in the name of our club’s management for their efforts in the 2020-2021 period.

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